• Laritelle Expert Dietician Pay as You Go Initial Consult via Skype (1 hour)

How will Laritelle Expert Dietician help me?

You will be offered the opportunity to work on your own weight related issues with our expert nutritionist who wants to understand you and the relationship you have with food. You will be offered guidance on your nutrition and your health as well as the opportunity to explore your thoughts, feelings and emotions around food and eating. You will be offered the support of your very own dedicated dietitian coach as you embark on this journey to build a better relationship with your body and your weight.

Receive a full individual plan just for you that will include:

·         Custom seven-day meal plan

·         Food guidelines to provide you with clarity on what to include and what to exclude

·         A lifestyle plan provided with specific references to approach the mind-body-spirit connection

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Laritelle Expert Dietician Pay as You Go Initial Consult via Skype (1 hour)

  • Product Code: Expert Dietician Pay as You Go Initial Consult 1 hr
  • Availability: Please Schedule
  • $190.00

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