Laritelle One-on-one Energy Healing, Detox and Chakra Balancing
by Dina Kleiman
“My energy healing session was incredibly profound. I experienced many things that I did not know I could, and together we even accessed and cleared out long standing issues that I had unknowingly carried in my body since childhood. Prior to working with Dina I already had an established yoga and meditation practice, and I thought I had “dealt with” a lot and was pretty open. The level which Dina was able to take me to was so incredibly deep and I experienced and processed so much more that I could have possibly imagined. She helped me to release what no longer needed to be there and helped me to expand into the space that had been dormant and needed waking. Since the session I have noticed a profound change. There is a lingering peace, clarity and the ability to deliver my own message so much more authentically. Natural synergies have been arising and I feel even more so that I am on the right path, and that undoubtedly Dina was and is an important guide on that path. I will continue to work with Dina, and definitely feel confident recommending others to entrust in her their bodies and their hearts. She is a true natural healer.”
Shilah Sarkissian, Laguna Beach, CA
Energy Healing enhances and balances the flow of energy in the body, so that the body can self-heal. Think of it as acupuncture without the needles, or acupressure without the touch. Energy Healing can be performed in person, over the phone, or via Skype.
Energy Healing also opens consciousness and brings awareness to the areas in our lives that we need to work through. It helps us bring our lives into balance, maintain health, harmony and vitality.
An Energy Healing Session can help you to release beliefs that are no longer serving you, dissipate fears and heal traumatic events, so that you can move on and enjoy your life, and the world around you.
Click here to read about what Energy Healing is, how it works, different modalities and more.
Each session is different, but the basic format is this: first Dina will speak with you about what you would like to work on. Then you lie down, get comfortable, and Dina will begin to open and balance your energy and chakras. She is then guided by spirit as to where the issue lies and what to do about it. She may work on releasing events in this life, past lives, traumatic events of your ancestors, energetic attachments, and so on. If necessary, a session may include mediumship work, where your passed on relatives are present to assist with the healing process. Dina may also provide you with “homework” specifically designed to assist with your healing process.
Energy Healing can be performed in person and over the phone or Skype with similar results. Click here to read more about Distance Energy Healing.
The following is a sample list of issues with which Dina’s has assisted clients:
Change career or grow in the current profession
Increase abundance (aka release money related issues)
Learn about past lives and heal trauma from past lives
Heal traumas passed on through ancestral/parental DNA
Heal guilt or shame
Eat better to loose weight
Process grief, either from death of a loved one or death of a relationship
Relieve physical issues such as headaches, stomach aches, muscle aches, post operative pain
Learn more about the relationship between your physical body, your emotions and belief systems
Improve personal self-esteem
Stop smoking and release other destructive habits
Identify, resolve, and release trauma and other emotional issues
Make it easier to let go of the past and live in the now
Increase forgiveness and compassion
Free you from addictions to self-destructive programs
Heighten psychic senses and intuitive abilities
Connect with your Higher Self
Increase creativity and connection with your inner child
Learn to love yourself
Remain calm emotionally, mentally and/or physically in stressful situations
Change your old patterns of thinking that no longer serve you and are harmful to your health
Reduce anxiety, manage stress and bring about mental and emotional stabilization
Remove energetic attachments
and more!
“I have learned to accept everything in this life and enjoy the most of it; Digest the good and bad and only keep what is nutritious for my soul; Keep the pain, stress and accidents away from me and my loved ones; Help myself and everyone I care enough about to deal with the things that are hard to deal with all on your own.” Reni, Lake Forest, CA
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Tags: Energy Healing, Detox, Chakra Balancing